This is my first stab at producing a painting from the source material brought back from Norfolk. The inspiration was the board sketch posted on June 30th. As you can see there are significant changes that were designed to produce an image with more drama than the original scene. The design was arrived at after a process of producing sketches and notans prior to deciding on the final composition. At the moment it is standing on the easel where it will stay until I can decide what additions might improve it. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Gun Hill - Clearing Storm - Oil on canvas 20" x 16"
It's great to see a final result from your weekend notan work. I love the drama in the sky and light. I'm not good at crits so can't help in that way, although the orange (on my monitor it's orange) in the middle ground bothers me a little. Have you sent it to the Norfolk School to see what he says?
Thanks Maggie. The colour is actually Naples Yellow which leans toward orange so it's possible your monitor, like mine, pushes it that direction. The painting itself does not read as orange. Yes, I've posted a copy to Martin and await his crit.
Fabulous sky! I think Martin better watch out! ;)
I think you have done a wonderful job.
The left bank in the foreground is a little too light where the land meets the water... I would darken that down a little. That I think will push the viewer into the painting to that delicious light in the distance. But I am no expert, so I hope you don't mind my butting in.
Lovely painting.
Shari - Thanks so much, any reference where my work appears in the same sentence as Martin is so encouraging. Working with Martin is inspirational and his technique in creating luminous images is fabulous. I agree with your comment about that light patch which is about to be darkened.
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