My friend Peter Ward, whose blog is well worth a visit (, and I have been communicating over the last few days and are thinking about making some joint attempts at creating images from the same photographic source material. It could be interesting to see how our different visions produce different results. The idea came about when I decided to have a bash at a subject that Peter had already painted and I thought if I can sit and analyse what somebody else has done it might be a good idea to give it a go myself. It was also a self kick up the rear to get the watercolours out, they've been neglected of late.
Anyway you'll have to wait till the end of the month to see how we got on. In the meantime I've been out to look at some of my favourite haunts with a bit of this rare light on them and returned with lots of pictures of stacks and seaside furniture. This is one that could make it as a joint effort at some stage. I'd enjoyed the walk so much I couldn't resist a quick sketch when I got home. As you can see from the accompanying photograph I did a little bit of judicious editing to make a better composition, or at least that's what I hope.

I actually prefer the other photo Mick because the elements in it were connected not isolated. I've already begun mulling it over and the word `cropping' has reared its head. In addition Judi Whitton had a painting at the last course I attended showing a roughly similar red and white building on the Norfolk coast. I really liked that one.
Peter - In fact I used both photographs to inform the sketch. You are correct in suggesting 'cropping' as a necessity to make a design out of the elements. Anyway, that's for another day, you'll see in my mail to you that I'm suggesting one of your Bruges pictures as the source for this month's effort.
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