A great holiday with some great people and also the opportunity to make a couple of pictures. This is the second, a view up the lane from the house where we stayed. In the far background, the Reek (Croagh Patrick), a constant in Mayo. Again, it could be improved but maybe a little progress again with better recession and a little more vibrant colour.

Back from Sorrento last Friday. Just posted about it. Looking at this and the previous painting Mick I do think your oils are your strength. This isn't decrying your watercolours but the oils do seem a step or two in front. Very nice. I see you've got the distant mountain right this time!
Thanks Peter, must get the watercolours back into gear soon.
Hi Mick,
This painting shows some strong drawing in it. This is good work for a plein air painting Mick. It has to be great to get to paint in Ireland. I was stationed in Germany and it was really nice to travel only a few hours and be in another country, France, Austria, Italy...Can't do that here...well, theres Mexico but not in these times, hahaha.
Nice work Mick.
Ron - Thanks a lot. Enjoyed getting out in Ireland and hope to get out there again in the summer, thinking about getting involved in the plein air event that Michael McGuire talks about. We are lucky in Europe, different countries look so different from one another, but you have your own diversity in the States and many places where the light is better than in this bit of Europe.
Hey, getting out and meeting up with Michael at that event would be great. He's doing some really nice work. You guys would probably have a fun time painting away.
I like painting with Rich Gallego from WC when we can....we usually laugh our butts off out there...lots of fun when we paint.
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