As part of the ongoing monthly project series that I share with my friend Peter, he selected this image as the subject matter for September. At first sight I found the task quite daunting then Having thought about it, I decided to heed some of the advice I keep giving myself and get rid of much of the intricate detail in the picture. The job then looked a lot more manageable.

The first decision I made was to attack the figures as they are difficult in themselves and I'm not sure this was a great idea as I'm somewhat disappointed with the way that the central character sits against the boat. If I did it again I'd do something about the light direction and the colours used to give that figure a little more prominence. Another good learning experience.
The next month is going to be hectic, painting wise as Sheila has finally persuaded me to display some of my work at a local Art Fair and I've taken the plunge and booked a stand. However, this means that I've got to get on with lots of framing and organising how the pictures are displayed. The big problem I now have is selecting pieces that people might like and not hanging on to those pieces that I feel quite possessive about. The show is towards the end of November and I'll update the blog with news of how it goes.
Good luck with the Art Fair Mick. As for your effort it is obviously different to mine. Possibly you should have put something on the right hand area next to the boat. Are the figures out of proportion in relation to the boat if compared to the photo? I think it's a very difficult subject and the original colours of the main boat don't really combine well but yours look fine.
I should have added I like the way you have done the beach and also the overall colour balance.
Peter - You are so right - difficult it was and your point is well taken with regard to the proportions. I also agree with your comment about extra furniture but I chickened out, couldn't think as to how to treat it. As always thanks for your kind comments.
By the way, can you give me any guidance with regard to pricing paintings at events like art fairs? Maybe you could drop me an e-mail with any ideas on the matter. For instance what would you charge for your Sitting Bull picture?
I just posted a similar harbor scene that needed to be simplified.
I really like this.
Looking forward to hearing about your show.
Mary - Just been to your site and fell in love with your brushwork. I'll be back. Thanks for your kind comment.
I think the figures are beautifully painted and I like the loose style of painting and the simple style of composition.
All the best at your display Mick I think you will do very well indeed.
Caroline - Thanks for the good wishes, I'm starting to feel a little trepidation about the Art Fair, there's lots of things to think about besides just getting the pictures to the venue. Still it will be a learning experience.
Hi Mick,
Excellent painting! Great subject matter too. Your choice of leaving off the added detail was wise and your efforts went extremely well here. Bravo!
Congratulations on getting out there and showing your work too Mick. That should be fun. I hope you have better luck than we have been having in making sales...out here we are dying! hahaha. Take some pics of the event Mick. Good luck and have fun!
Ron - Thanks, I enjoyed this little project and the subject matter is something that I will return to.
As to the show, it's a new departure for me and I'm a little apprehensive about it but 'nothing ventured nothing gained' as they say. I'll try to post some pictures after the show.
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