Another day of rain so back to the kitchen table with another bunch of flowers. I'm going to have to apologise for the photograph - no light outside in the rain. Consequently the image is not as true to the actual painting as usual.
The main flowers are white roses and I feel that I've not got them to stand out as well as they should. I thought of surrounding them with the darks of leaves but wanted to avoid the obvious framing that would result. There are other aspects of the piece that I find unsatisfactory, probably resulting from a lack of concentration. Still another enjoyable excursion with the wet stuff.

I like this one Mick but I think it would have benefited by having some fruit added. The scissors look a little lonely!
Peter - I think the scissors reflect the prevailing mood - stuck alone, weather keeping us indoors. The best one can say is that it is making the opportunity to play with the watercolours. Still have the urge to get outside and paint.
I think the roses are really beautiful and it does actually look fine against the white background. Do you sketch the flowers first, you work so confidently with the flowers I was wondering if you practised a great deal first. I am about to start some flowers soon, I want to experiment with different effects salt etc. Yet the simplicity of your washes I would think would be unbeatable. Hope the weather improves for you, yes it is raining here too. Seems like it is raining all over the world.
Caroline - Once again, many thanks.
Yes I do sketch the flowers first although I often ignore the drawing lines once I start to paint. My style is derivative and based on the work of Charles Reid, whose book 'Painting Flowers in Watercolour' is my bible. Well worth a read.
Mick I had a look at Amazon for the book and it is very expensive for the one and only hardback. It seems cheaper to buy in the states. Have you heard of the online they are offering the book for £9.45 including shipping for a used copy. I haven't heard of anyone using them before and wonder if they are OK. I think Charles's book looks wonderful there are so many excellent reviews on his book.
Caroline - Yes I have used AbeBooks and found them to be fine. You might try SAA who stock Charles' books and videos, the flower painting video is still available I think. If you want more information drop me a line at
Adebooks are brilliant Caroline. I have many books from the USA through them and even one from Australia. I cannot praise them enough. Prices are generally very good.
Oops. Sorry I meant Abebooks. Google this and it will come up instantly. I second Micks comments. Charles Flower painting book is one of my favorites out of the 11 or 12 he has written. The DVD's (two) are also excellent. Don't get his earlier flower painting book though - this later one supercedes it.
Thank you so much Mick and Peter for recommending Abebooks, I haven't heard of them before. I am a member of the SAA so I will have a look in the catalogue.
Mick, now I see the Charles Reid influence. I too adore his work and think he's the most inspiring painter out there as a water colorist.
Your flowers are superb.
I do feel that this is a complete statement.
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