Some weeks ago Sheila and I spent a few days in Wales, the weather was dreadful but we did venture out and visit some of the interesting nooks and crannies, one of which is the Italianate village at Portmeirion, something of a shrine for fans of the sixties TV series, The Prisoner. My guitar case still bears a sticker reading ' I am not a number, I am a free man'. Those were the days. Oh, do I hear the title to a song?
Portmeirion - Watercolour on Rough paper 16" x 12"
A big lesson learned in this, the latest instalment in the series of projects that Peter Ward and myself share. The lesson being to plan carefully before committing to paper.
I harboured the thought that I might try to loosen up a little further and planned to leave a lot more untouched paper, but in the dash to complete it in between framing and varnishing for the Fair on November 21st I found my self falling between a number of stools.
You can find Peter's version on his blog www.watercolourfanatic.blogspot.com

I'm not sure that there will any activity on the blog in the next couple of weeks as we fly out in search of some sun tomorrow and internet access might not be convenient.
It's certainly different to mine Mick. You've been braver than me in attempting the full panoramic view. A nice delicate use of colour.
Mick you've certainly caught the scene that was before you here. A good handling of painting what is needed and leaving out the extras. I like it. That's a very expansive looking place and I'll bet there are hundreds of paintings that can be done from such a place.
Enjoy the sunny weather with Shiela.
Peter - I think I tried too hard to get most of it in and consequently there is a distinct variety of quality in the different passages. Where it is delicate it works better than in other bits.
Ron - Thanks for the encouragement. You're right there are literally hundreds of paintings to be done in this place. It's a pity that our visit was short and took place on a wet and overcast day. I am writing tis in the sun and it's great as the temperatures back home are dismal. Also getting some great material and splashing the paint a bit although all crude sketches so far.
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