Taking to heart some of the lessons learned by posting work on Wet Canvas, I thought it a good idea to post a piece as a Work In Progress hoping to get advice on some of the more subtle ideas that contributors have about acceptable work. The first image is the one that I posted. It is a view taken on a trip along the Madison River in Montana. The purpose of the trip was catching trout and what a day it was, brown trout, rainbow trout and whitefish rising to the fly all day. However, back to painting. I thought the piece was nearing completion and already had some ideas about work that needed to be done. The response on WC was really helpful and lots of the adjustments suggested were indeed more subtle than major surgery.

The second image shows the painting after adjustments and they do make a difference. Notice the differerence in the collar of cloud around the mountain, value changes in the mid ground and more work in the foreground. The clouds now look a little more like clouds rather than the balls of cotton wool on the first picture. This exercise certainly emphasised for me the benefit of other eyes viewing our work. It always prompts further thought on our part. Learning occurs.
Madison View - Oil on canvas board 20" x 16"
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