This month my partner in crime Peter Ward ( set a stinker. He sent a number of pictures of this barn/ farmhouse saying he had painted it a number of times and been unhappy with the results. The first job was to decide which image to choose and then decide on an approach.
The image that caught my attention was the one below and what attracted me was the range of foreground shadows. The perspective was another challenge.

I've just viewed Peter"s version of this subject and I recommend that you view it, it's a cracker.
Now to settle down and find a challenge for next month.
As I've said on my blog this scene is very familiar to me, but saying that I rather like your approach and the way you've handled it. Like the muted colours too.
My only comment (not criticism) is that it might have been better if you'd foreshortened the road area at the bottom. This has always been the problem area for me but this time I just eliminated it.
lovely scene and there is a nice sense of light mick,i would have been a bit bolder with those foreground shadows...
Peter - Thanks. I thought long and hard about the foreground and decided it was important for the way I wanted to depict shadow. However, having said that I much prefer the way you treated with the tight crop and the use of colour to create tonal interest.
Rob - I agree the picture would have more bite with some extra impact in the foreground shadows. Thanks.
Hi Mick....this is awesome work. You've handled this scene very well. The drawing of the structure is great and you followed up the painting chore beautifully.
The shadows on the road are a nice touch. I read a great article on shadows once and the author pointed out some interesting things. As shadows move away they get lighter in value and their edges also get softer. They also have more color intensity and bits of detail as they move forward. That's always stuck in my mind when painting shadows.
Great work on this one Mick...I checked out Peters version too..also nice but a different take on it...closer view etc. Cool thing you two are doing.
Hey, have you ever read any of the WC books by English painter Ron Ranson?
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