Something a little bit different this time. As regular readers will know it's been a problem recently getting out and much of my recent work has been still life at home. This last couple of weeks have seen us helping out with the grandkids so painting time has been limited, so I came up with the following idea - give finger painting a try on the iPad, something I've been promising myself for a while. Now this really is something different.
The first job was to find an appropriate application to use and having investigated two free applications I found myself less than convinced as I was having a great deal of difficulty getting sufficient control to drum up the confidence to complete a piece. Then I had a stroke of luck I saw a piece by an American artist, David Kassan, in Sunday's newspaper. A quick scout around the web and a couple of demonstrations on You Tube and I decided to risk £3.99 on a programme called ArtRage. The big attraction of this application was the apparent ability to simulate some of the techniques used in oil painting. It was possible to mix, blend, create impasto and use palette knife techniques.
Having acquired the application and done a minimum of making the acquaintance of the controls, a break in the babysitting allowed me a short respite to give it a go. The subject matter suggested itself, one of the grandkids. I thoroughly enjoyed producing the picture below, gaining interesting insights into the potential of the programme. The result isn't the best likeness but it did afford the chance to try some of techniques mentioned above and I particularly like the way it is possible to produce texture.
Another diversion to explore.

You have found another creative outlet Mick. It just shows you that we will find a way to make art! Nice painting, he has lovely eyes.
very creative nick
i like how you go with th flow
and are willing to accept the moment.
this could be the start of a new setting up time and no clearing up!
Keep them coming Mick! Aren't grandchildren delightful.
Caroline - Thanks. This art stuff is disease. It gets uncomfortable when you aren't engaged in some project or other.
Rob - Thanks. Yes it certainly is a new adventure and having seen the work produced by the likes of David Kassan there is a lot to learn.
Peter - There is a special joy in grandchildren, they afford us the opportunity to revisit all of the fun and emotion of bringing up their parents.
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