Home from Norfolk and into the catalogues, I was about to embark on the slippery slope. Decision 1, get some decent paint in colours that I had some little familiarity with in my watercolour work. Artist quality paint would be the name of the game, Michael Harding the supplier. A stock of canvas boards made up the initial purchases. Now for subject matter, the landscape it would be and best of all the decision to work in it as opposed to the studio, an easy decision as I have limited space in the house that is suitable for splashing turps and paint around.
So, out along the coast to capture the magnificence of the local cliffs. Result above, disappointment. Devoid of the subtleties that I was used to in watercolour, my crude technique producing horrors as well as a couple of small passages that looked alright, but I was on my way. Okay, paint on canvas, not good but where do I go for help - time to get a look at Wet Canvas. What an impressive concept, peopled by artists of undoubted quality it was with some trepidation that I decide to expose myself to the scrutiny available there. To my delight my first effort received some encouragement and some intelligent advice. To anyone with fears about letting your work out into the public gaze, I say put it up on WC. The community is full of people with the same fears, have had the same experiences and have found their own way through to greater levels of confidence and competence. I have decided that Wet Canvas will be my college for the next few years, every assignment gives access to a high level of expertise and assistance.
November was to be the month when I spent a bit more time putting paint down and the results will appear in the next post.
They are a good bunch over there at Wet Canvas, well most, ha
Hi Mick, I stumbled across your blog and am most impressed! I wonder if you'd post more work up so I/we can see how you are progressing.
Also some sort of journal of your gallery trips would be good to read; I know you travel extensively.
Look forward to painting with you later in the year
Martin K
Dan - WC is a lot of fun, but if I have one disappointment it is difficult to discern the sources of mischief. I have, however, detected something of the 'fun loving' in the contributions of 'nepainter03'.
Martin - great to see you here. It is my intention to get my story up to date with more of my work before seeing you in Norfolk.
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