The post title says it all. This was due to be posted at the end of July and as seems to be the case at present, life got in the way. Not in a bad way. A friend wanted help to deliver a car to his apartment in Southern Spain so I didn't hesitate to say 'yes' when asked. A week's road trip after which Sheila flew out and we then had an unexpected holiday in the sun.
On return we headed off to the Lakes but unfortunately I conspired to cause myself injury and ended up with a bunch of torn shoulder muscles and damaged tendons. Some excuse, but excuse it is for my latest hiatus.
The painting posted is one of a number of unsatisfactory attempts to address the photographs sent by my pal, Peter for the latest round of our monthly challenges. You can find him and his post at
For me the painting lacks depth of both colour and tonal variation. The handling of the water puddles is poor and the drawing suspect. Need I go on. Just lots of apologies to those of you patient enough to hang on till this appeared.
Another LEARNING experience.

Glad you are back at the sharp end Mick! Not up to your usual standard but hardly surprising given recent events. Hope you are almost back to normal.
Peter - can't help but agree.
Hi Mick, I was wondering what had happened to you and it is good to have news from you again. I do understand I too am struggling with my watercolour painting, it seems this medium demands we use it on a regular basis in order to be successful at it. I am determined to paint in this medium each day for an hour and a half just to keep my hand in. I was tired when I got home today after a trip and rushed my watercolour for today, but I think I have learned something inspite of it all! Don't lose heart Mick it is simply that we must practise hard to be confident at our art.
Caroline - Thanks for the encouragement. My big issue is TIME and you are so right when you talk of regular practise to keep your hand in. Your idea about small daily efforts is sound thinking.
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