I had intended painting outdoors today. In fact I tried and couldn't find a spot where it was possible to keep the easel upright, the tail end of Katia is currently visiting the North East. So home and a change of plan. I decided to try and produce something loose using one brush, a size 10 sable. Out came the sketch books from our round the world trip of last year and I lighted upon one of the drawings I made in Monument Valley.
Another step on the road to growing confidence with the brushes. I need to get in form as I'll be off to do a week with Charles Reid next month, that will get the juices flowing as well as the pigment.

That's more like it Mick.
You really have got back into the swing of using watercolours very quickly Mick, this is a lovely painting. Hope you enjoy the course with Charles Reid I didn't realise he was still teaching.
Peter - Cheers, getting there.
Caroline - Thanks. Really looking forward to spending time with Charles, my second course with him, an inspirational teacher and artist.
wonderful warm colors composition and arial perspective!!
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