Sheila and I snatched a couple of days in the Lakes and I managed to pack some painting kit. A short walk from the road near Ullswater and I decided to sketch a stream as it cascaded towards the lake. The resultant piece is very unfinished but gives me a decent impression of the scene I was faced with. It would be possible to make some additions and bring out some more detail but that might reduce the immediacy of what was done on site. It could be worked up into a studio piece. Just delighted to get the brushes out.

Another good go Mick. Like you I'm in training for the week after next!
i like the loose approach to the water mick almost it moves!
Peter - Cheers. D Day approaches.
Rob - Thanks. Sometimes speed is the only answer and can leave some interesting passages.
I like the way the water is very bright and is moving over some of the rocks. There are some nice rock shapes too. I think you have done a nice study Mick and it is great to think you did this on location. Very nice work.
Caroline - Thanks. You pick up on some of the aspects that make this subject matter interesting as a painter. As for working on location, that is my favourite thing to do. There is an immediacy to the experience and the necessity to work quickly with changing light conditions is always a challenge.
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